Thursday, 9 May 2013

Are the potatoes in yet?

Poor, poor Wayne. After a busy day of catering for some dear friends, the children, the shopping and the taxiing around, he then has..........a hysterical wife at 10.30pm at night. As if he hasn't seen enough bodily fluids in our house with a 5 year old that regularly missed the loo (yes it happens to girls too!) and my waters unexpectantly breaking in bed at 4am. Well, there's another one to add to his collection. A fountain (yes literally!) of lymphatic fluid (serous fluid) just as we climb into bed. Good lord......seriously? Why at night time? What the hell do we do? Yet again, he was so calm, reassuring and soothing to my anxieties. I was so frightened. Will it be an impromptu visit to the Marsden tomorrow?  I am beginning to think that this journey is going to constantly throw things our way, up in the air, or from a great height!!!! Humph! More sighs, more tears! I need to learn to tame my emotions, urgently. And no, Mum - Wayne still hasn't got the potatoes in yet ha!!!

Note to self: try not to have hysterical phone calls with friends at 8.30 am. It's no good for either of us!

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