Friday, 23 August 2013


Lovely people, just briefly checking in with you all. I've so much to write and catch up of late, life btw 2nd and 3rd dose, Devon hols, children and generally natter chatter but feeling like someone reprogrammed my brain right now after 3rd treatment and steroids making me a bit loopy again....eeek! Surely not helped by a shouty, teething, demanding 1yr old? Sigh oh sigh!

Just hoping I sleep tonight to ease the pain of venturing into my 41st year tomorrow. Thinking back to my 40th, I had a month old baby breast feeding continuously = not much celebrating and no party. Now this year, the big C again hinders my plans of celebrating so therefore I am surely due a double whammy party once this is all behind us right? One of the nurses in the hospital said to me 'its a good job we don't have a crystal ball to see into our future isn't it? Who knew I'd be in this pickle a year on? That said I'm still feeling positive about my 40's, hoping exercise is going to be paramount, a decade of getting fit, challenges in store, children growing up (not that I'm wishing it away but it's got to get easier right?) and hopefully some holidays that resemble holidays without craziness and stress! 

So with that in mind, I retire to bed, with low key, pleasant things planned tomorrow starting with a Birthday fry up treat - a first taste of sausage and bacon since diagnosis! Of course organic meat with home grown tomatoes (not ours I may add) and organic mushrooms to ease the guilt ha! Followed by friends over in afternoon.

So night night for now, see you on the other side, in my 41st happier year of life. xxx

P.s. Glued to the film 'The Beach' right now reminiscing about our travelling days, wedding in Thailand and generally being youthful, happy and fancy free without a care in the world......or maybe just a few! A damn sight less than now that's for sure. There's been lots of reminiscing of late, lots of giggles with friends about memories of our youth and generally being naughty ha! Our poor parents. So lucky to have so many old friends to share them with. Also, special times last week with NCT girlies reminising about our first borns. And sadly lots of thoughts about other friends, friends also having tough times at the moment. I Wonder why so many thoughts lately? Im guessing its something to do with my life right now and having to face up to the situation I'm in, growing older with friends new and old, plus having young, active children naturally makes you (occasionally!) yern for those heady bc years (that'll be before children NOT breast c!). 

Right, enough nattering and surely off to bed?!


  1. Happy birthday, hope that bacon tasted delicious. Ruth x

  2. Happy Birthday Nickers! I seemed to have missed celebreating too, for totally other reasons. So I am going to recommend that we celebrate our second 21'st birthday next year. Love you honey - and hope to see you soon ; )xxx

  3. Thanks lovely ladies. Lizie, will take you up on that offer - do you think we can be in the same countries please he he?? Not a tall order at all! N xxxx


Thank you for taking the time to travel this journey with me.