Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Hospital admission..... Sigh

It was all a little too good to be true and perhaps inevitable with a sick husband and Lila at home again. This time, my germ dodging didn't go to plan! I was up and running a few days earlier after this dose and coping well and then WHAM.....  admitted to hospital Sunday night with a fever. They have a protocol: any fever and, within an hour, they have you in hospital hooked up to IV antibiotics. Xrays, ECG, the works. No messing! They even sent an ambulance as I couldn't get hold of Wayne and the kiddies. First time for everything! 

So, Saturday I was out with friends... Sunday I was on an acute medical ward from hell surrounded by three senile ladies. ARGH! Thankfully (was that close to discharging myself), I was moved on Monday to the Oncology ward with private rooms. Although the damage has been done... I’m mentally scarred from the experience and the greedy 60 mins of sleep that first night. I think the lady who shouted out every hour 'Robert, Robert, is that you?' (thinking she could see her son) tipped me over the edge, emotionally and mentally! Too sad. 

Hey ho, although I'm utterly fed up, I keep thinking how things could be worse. And they are not! So, let's hope that I’m home today... back to my own bed and family, with a week to build myself up for the last dose next Thursday. 

1 comment:

  1. oh darling hope you made it home swiftly and will be thinking of you on thursday xxxx


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