Monday, 18 November 2013

Breaking the silence - Friday 15th November

Well, it’s been 3 weeks and 1 day since the last dose of chemotherapy. Normally, I would have gone in yesterday for the drugs.......but not this time. It feels so good to know that my body now has a chance of ridding itself of the toxins rather than constantly topping them up. It’s not been an easy 3 weeks but that's for the next post.

For now, I just wanted you all to know I haven't given up on the blog – it’s just been hard to do anything that is linked with the C - in fact, I haven't even been able to click on the blog icon without feeling nauseous. That coupled with the constant fatigue (its hard to find the energy to write) and lack of time. However, it gives me strength writing about my journey so here's to many more post's......

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