Tuesday 17 September 2013

The end is nigh....

Its official, I can now say it.........2 more to go!!

Day 2 and all doing ok today, despite no sleep and muscle ache all night. Welcome new drug, welcome new side effects. At least the steroids are only 3 days this time - so lets hope Mr insomnia doesn't loiter around too much this cycle.

Yesterday was do-able, despite turning up at wrong time. Gawd! Not sure who's fault that was although suspect Miss chemo brain here didn't read the letter probably....ooops! We got there promptly at 9.30 am only to be told my appointment was at 2 pm. Yikes. And dear Polly had school pick up to do too. So, a few phone calls, emergency plans made and job done, two girls on the loose for the day. So what are we to do?? Mmmmm, Shopping of course! Mooching, browsing, bacon sandwiches, hot chocs and a spot of funny hamster research (not for me I hasten to add!), ker-ching! Such a fun distraction we almost forgot to go back to hospital!

But alas, back to reality and treatment finally got under way later that day, nervous about a reaction (2 out of 10 people react to this new medication) but pleased to report all went well, much quicker than last cycle of drugs and no typical colour loss transforming me to a white sheet with sickness, groggy feeling, so big relief all round. Eventually home by 5ish and into bed for sneaky cosy time, until......before I know it, I appeared to have two little munchkins crawling into bed with me ha ha! 

And so, my new to-do list for today and the next few days is, (especially focusing on the last item):

- Count my blessings
- Practice kindness
- Let go of what I can't control
- Listen to my heart
- Be productive but calm (Wayne would LOVE me to practice this one!)
- Just breath.....

Actually, I'd be pretty happy if I could just breath myself through the next few days so the rest is a working progress for now......

Meanwhile, I plan to be be found in bed over next couple of days, if I can force myself to rest.... Please knock quietly - that is, until the kiddies find me and start oozing excitement and bouncing on the bed!

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